2019 User Meeting

Dr. Virginia Saba with Keynote Speaker Dr. Jane Englebright CNO of Hospital Corporation of America.

Dr. Virginia Saba with keynote speaker Dr. Jane Englebright, CNO of HCA Healthcare.

Thank you to all who joined our fourth Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System user meeting – Adoption, Implementation and Outcomes – in Nashville, Tennessee, from Dec. 4-5!

Participants were able to share issues and strategies concerning the topics of adoption, implementation and outcomes. Below, please find copies of all the slide decks that were used during the meeting and let us know if you have any questions.

Meeting details

When: Dec. 4-5, 2019
Where: Nashville, Tennessee – HCA Healthcare headquarters
Hosted by: Virgina Saba, EdD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, LL
Keynote speaker: Jane Englebright, PhD, RN, CENP, FAAN
Conference flyer (PDF 712k)
Agenda (PDF 570k)

Slide decks

Dec. 4


Presenter Names and Credentials  (PDF 532k)


Dec. 5




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