
The User Manual for Version 2.5

CCCS Users Guide 2.5 Cover
CCCS Users Guide 2.5

Saba VK. Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System Users Guide (Version 2.5) [Internet]. New York City, NY: Springer Publishing; 2012.

Available in hard copy from Springer Publisher (link opens in new window). Note: If you register on this site (which is free and only takes a minute), you can also find a free digital copy under Tools\Downloads.

From Springer’s website: “The Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System, a national nursing standard, is a respected resource for documenting patient and nursing care plans for the electronic health record (EHR). It provides a set of standardized, coded patient care terminologies for EHR input in nursing diagnoses and outcomes, as well as in nursing interventions in both acute and ambulatory settings. This new edition of the Users Guide, written by one of the founders of the CCC System, has been modified into an abridged, easy-to-use version to help nurses learn quickly about the CCC System Version 2.5 and expedite their development of CCC-based plans of care. It clearly explains how to use the CCC System, including a description of the CCC model and examples of patient/nursing plans or care templates with their EHR screens and brief explanations.

Key Features:

  • Clearly explains how to implement the CCC Version 2.5 terminologies and protocol
  • Updates, revises, and reformats the first edition of the Users Guide for ease-of-use
  • In use, or soon to be in use, by 100 hospitals including the Veterans Affairs system”

Dr. Virginia Saba’s Classic Text on Nursing Informatics

Saba VK, McCormick KA, editors. Essentials of Nursing Informatics, 7th Edition. 7th edition. New York: McGraw Hill / Medical; 2021.

Recent Publications

Complete List 2024-2004

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We are always looking for more references to add, if you are aware of a reference we are missing please let us know and we will be happy to include it. 

References from 2004-1991

For references from 2004 back to Dr. Saba’s foundational papers published in 1991, please see this bibliography (PDF)