CCC in the News: Upcoming Workshop, New Publications.

Upcoming Virginia Saba Virtual Workshop on November 8th

There is still time to sign up for this virtual workshop which is hosted by the Friends of the National Library of Medicine. The 2023 Virginia Saba Virtual Workshop will focus on Innovative Models of Interoperability between Acute Care and Care in the Community, Home and Longterm Care. The purpose of this webinar is to describe innovative models, resources for research, and case studies of interoperability between acute care and care in the community including the home and long-term care.  Many AMIA NI members are presenting. There is a minimal charge of $65.00. Register Here

New Publications

Two new articles in Computers Informatics and Nursing. Congratulations to these researchers for getting their work published:

Yang, Lei BS, RN, APN, ICU CNS, HEMS CNS; Xu, YanDuo BS, RN, ICU CNS; Ji, XiaoBo BS, RN, ICU CNS; Wang, Zhuan BS, RN, ICU CNS; Cao, Chuan BS, RN, ICU CNS; Chong, PeiLong PhD; Wu, ZhiJun MPH. Analysis of Intensive Care Unit Nursing Clinical Judgment and Selection of Nursing Diagnosis for Cerebral Hemorrhage. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 41(10):p 789-795, October 2023. DOI 10.1097/CIN.0000000000001023 | PMID: 37432107

Yang, Lei BS, RN, APN, ICU CNS, HEMS CNS; Ji, Xiaobo BS, RN, ICU CNS; Chung, Peilong PhD; Cao, Chuan BS, RN, ICU CNS; Wu, Zhijun MPH. Analysis of the Clinical Care Classification System Used in an Intensive Care Unit of a General Hospital in China. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 39(12):p 837-842, December 2021. | DOI: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000841 | PMID: 34878426

More News about the CCCS?

We would love to highlight more news about how people are using the Clinical Care Classification System. Do you have a new tool that you’ve developed? A new publication? Or a workshop? Please contact us so that we can include it in upcoming newsletters.