The CCC System of nursing interventions/actions (version 2.5) consists of 804 nursing interventions/ actions that represent 201 core nursing interventions (77 major categories and 124 subcategories) that are expanded by four action type qualifiers: monitor/assess, perform/care, teach/instruct or manage/refer – totaling 804 concepts. The major categories represent general interventions/activities and the subcategories represent more precise interventions/activities depicting specific clinical care by nurses and other allied healthcare professionals.
For example, “pain control” encompasses both “acute pain control” and “chronic pain control.” The nurse can use the general concept and/or a specific one, whichever is more appropriate. It is always preferable to use the specific subcategory if there is evidence or symptoms to justify it since it is a more precise concept for measuring care.
A nursing intervention is defined as “a single nursing action, treatment, procedure, activity or service designed to achieve an outcome of a nursing or medical diagnosis for which the nurse is accountable” (Saba, 2007). A physician usually initiates the medical orders for patient services, which are reviewed by the hospital admitting nurse. As part of the admission process, the primary nurse interprets the medical orders and prepares nursing orders based not only on the medical orders, but also on the signs and symptoms, diagnoses and other presenting problems to form the nursing plan of care (POC), which also includes the goals/expected outcomes that require the specific nursing interventions and action types to resolve (Saba, 2007).
The CCC of nursing interventions were derived from the 73,529 nursing services, interventions, procedures or care activity narrative statements collected for the entire episode of care from the original research study. Many statements were not always mutually exclusive, while others were determined to represent a more precise description of a specific intervention. These statements were analyzed using “keyword” sorts as well as other statistical analyses resulting in the varying concept scopes and were structured as verb clauses. The development of the major categories encompasses multiple tasks and subcategories for the specific atomic-level tasks. As described, the statements were coded with the preliminary vocabulary and then categorized by the original 20 care component classes.
Additionally, the nursing service statements were found to contain two aspects: the specific nursing intervention, services or activity, and an action type that qualified the scope of the intervention. Both aspects were considered essential for documenting and providing patient care and were used to create the 804 nursing interventions.
See the table of the 201 core nursing interventions below:
CompLetter | Intervention Code | Intervention Name | Intervention Description |
A | 01.0 | Activity Care | Actions performed to carry out physiological or psychological daily activities |
A | 01.2 | Energy Conservation | Actions performed taken to preserve energy |
A | 02.0 | Fracture Care | Actions performed to control broken bones |
A | 02.1 | Cast Care | Actions performed to control a rigid dressing |
A | 02.2 | Immobilizer Care | Actions performed to control a splint, cast, or prescribed bed rest |
A | 03.0 | Mobility Therapy | Actions performed to advice and instruct on mobility deficits |
A | 03.1 | Ambulation Therapy | Actions performed to promote walking |
A | 03.2 | Assistive Device Therapy | Actions performed to support the use of products to aid in caring for oneself |
A | 03.3 | Transfer Care | Actions performed to assist in moving from one place to another |
A | 04.0 | Sleep Pattern Control | Actions performed to support the sleep and wake cycles |
A | 05.0 | Musculosketal Care | Actions performed to restore physical functioning |
A | 05.1 | Range of Motion | Actions performed to provide the active or passive exercises to maintain joint function |
A | 05.2 | Rehabilitation Exercise | Activities to promote physical functioning |
B | 06.0 | Bowel Care | Actions performed to control or restore the functioning of the bowel |
B | 06.1 | Bowel Training | Actions performed to provide instruction on bowel elimination conditions |
B | 06.2 | Disimpaction | Actions performed to manually remove feces |
B | 06.3 | Enema | Actions performed to give fluid rectally |
B | 06.4 | Diarrhea Care | Actions performed to control the abnormal frequency and fluidity of feces |
B | 07.0 | Bowel Ostomy Care | Actions performed to maintain the artificial opening that removes bowel waste products |
B | 07.1 | Bowel Ostomy Irrigation | Actions performed to flush or wash out the artificial opening that removes bowel waste products |
C | 08.0 | Cardiac Care | Actions performed to control changes in the heart or blood vessels |
C | 08.1 | Cardiac Rehabilitation | Actions performed to restore cardiac health |
C | 09.0 | Pacemaker Care | Actions performed to control the use of an electronic device that provides a normal heartbeat |
D | 10.0 | Behavior Care | Actions performed to support observable responses to internal and external stimuli |
D | 11.0 | Reality Orientation | Actions performed to promote the ability to locate oneself in environment |
E | 12.0 | Counseling Service | Actions performed to provide advice or instruction to help another |
E | 12.1 | Coping Support | Actions performed to sustain a person dealing with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties |
E | 12.2 | Stress Control | Actions performed to support the physiological response of the body to a stimulus |
E | 12.3 | Crisis Therapy | Actions performed to sustain a person dealing with a condition, event. or radical change in status |
E | 13.0 | Emotional Support | Actions performed to sustain a positive affective state |
E | 13.1 | Spiritual Comfort | Actions performed to console, restore, or promote spiritual health |
E | 14.0 | Terminal Care | Actions performed in the period of time surrounding death |
E | 14.1 | Bereavement Support | Actions performed to provide comfort to the family/friends of the person who died |
E | 14.2 | Dying/Death Measures | Actions performed to support the dying process |
E | 14.3 | Funeral Arrangements | Actions performed to direct the preparatory measures for burial |
F | 15.0 | Fluid Therapy | Actions performed to provide liquid volume intake |
F | 15.1 | Hydration Control | Actions performed to control the state of fluid balance |
F | 15.3 | Intake | Actions performed to measure the amount of fluid volume taken into the body |
F | 15.4 | Output | Actions performed to measure the amount of fluid volume romoved from the body |
G | 17.0 | Community Special Services | Actions performed to provide advice or information about special community services |
G | 17.1 | Adult Day Center | Actions performed to direct the provision of a day program for adults in a specific location |
G | 17.2 | Hospice | Actions performed to support the provision of offering and/or providing care for terminally ill persons |
G | 17.3 | Meals-on-Wheels | Actions performed to direct the provision of community program of meals delivered to the home |
G | 18.0 | Compliance Care | Actions performed to encourage adherence in care regimen |
G | 18.1 | Compliance with Diet | Actions performed to encourage adherence to diet/food intake |
G | 18.2 | Compliance with Fluid Volume | Actions performed to encourage adherence to therapeutic intake of fluids |
G | 18.3 | Compliance with Medical Regimen | Actions performed to encourage adherence to physician’s/provider’s treatment plan |
G | 18.4 | Compliance with Medication Regimen | Actions performed to encourage adherence to follow prescribed course of medicinal substances |
G | 18.5 | Compliance with Safety Precautions | Actions performed to encourage adherence with measures to protect self or others from injury, danger, or loss |
G | 18.6 | Compliance with Therapeutic Regimen | Actions performed to encourage adherence with plan of care |
G | 19.0 | Nursing Contact | Actions performed to communicate with another nurse |
G | 19.1 | Bill of Rights | Statements related to entitlement during an episode of illness |
G | 19.2 | Nursing Care Coordination | Actions performed to synthesize all plans of care |
G | 19.3 | Nursing Status Report | Actions performed to document condition by nurse |
G | 20.0 | Physician Contact | Actions performed to communicate with a physician/provider |
G | 20.1 | Medical Regimen Orders | Actions performed to support the physician’s/provider’s plan of treatment |
G | 20.2 | Physician Status Report | Actions performed to document patient condition by a physician/provider |
G | 21.0 | Professional/Ancillary Services | Actions performed to support the duties performed by health team members |
G | 21.1 | Health Aide Service | Actions performed to support the care services by a health aide |
G | 21.2 | Social Worker Service | Actions performed to provide advice or instructions by a social worker |
G | 21.3 | Nurse Specialist Service | Actions performed to obtain advice or instruction by advanced nurse specialists or nurse practitioners |
G | 21.4 | Occupational Therapist Service | Actions performed to provide advice or instruction by occupational therapist |
G | 21.5 | Physical Therapist Service | Actions performed to obtain advice or instruction by physical therapist |
G | 21.6 | Speech Therapist Service | Actions performed to provide advice or instruction by speech therapist |
G | 21.7 | Respiratory Therapist Service | Actions performed to provide advice or instruction by a respiratory therapist |
H | 22.0 | Chemotherapy Care | Actions performed to control and monitor antineoplastic agents |
H | 23.0 | Injection Administration | Actions performed to dispense a medication by a hypodermic |
H | 24.0 | Medication Care | Actions performed to support the use of prescribed drugs or remedies regardless of route |
H | 24.1 | Medication Action | Actions performed to support and monitor the intended responses to prescribed drugs |
H | 24.2 | Medication Prefill Preparation | Activities to ensure the continued supply of prescribed drugs |
H | 24.3 | Medication Side Effects | Actions performed to control adverse untoward reactions or conditions to prescribed drugs |
H | 24.4 | Medication Treatment | Actions performed to administer/give drugs or remedies regardless of route |
H | 25.0 | Radiation Therapy Care | Actions performed to control and monitor radiation therapy |
I | 26.0 | Allergic Reaction Control | Actions performed to reduce symptoms or precautions to reduce allergies |
I | 27.0 | Diabetic Care | Actions performed to control diabetic conditions |
J | 28.0 | Enteral Tube Care | Actions performed to control the use of an enteral drainage tube |
J | 28.1 | Enteral Tube Insertion | Actions performed in the placement of a enteral drainage tube |
J | 28.2 | Enteral Tube Irrigation | Actions performed to flush or wash out an enteral tube |
J | 29.0 | Nutrition Care | Actions performed to support the intake of food and nutrients |
J | 29.2 | Feeding Technique | Actions performed to provide special measures to provide nourishment |
J | 29.3 | Regular Diet | Actions performed to support the ingestion of food and nutrients from established nutrition standards |
J | 29.4 | Special Diet | Actions performed to support the ingestion of food and nutrients prescribed for a specific purpose |
J | 29.5 | Enteral Feeding | Actions performed to provide nourishment through a gastrointestinal route |
J | 29.6 | Parental Feeding | Actions performed to provide nourishment through intravenous or subcutaneous routes |
K | 30.0 | Infection Control | Actions performed to contain a communicable illness |
K | 30.1 | Universal Precautions | Practices to prevent spread of infection and infectious diseases |
K | 31.0 | Physical Health Care | Actions performed to support somatic problems |
K | 31.1 | Health History | Actions performed to obtain information about past illness and health status |
K | 31.2 | Health Promotion | Actions performed to encourage behaviors to enhance health state |
K | 31.3 | Physical Examination | Actions performed to observe somatic events |
K | 31.4 | Clinical Measurements | Actions performed to conduct procedures to evaluate somatic events |
K | 32.0 | Specimen Care | Actions performed to direct the collection and/or examination of a bodily specimen |
K | 32.1 | Blood Specimen Care | Actions performed to collect and/or examine a sample of blood |
K | 32.2 | Stool Specimen Care | Actions performed to collect and/or examine a sample of feces |
K | 32.3 | Urine Specimen Care | Actions performed to collect and//or examine a sample of urine |
K | 32.5 | Sputum Specimen Care | Actions performed tp collect and/or examine a sample of sputum |
K | 33.0 | Vital Signs | Actions performed to measure temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure |
K | 33.1 | Blood Pressure | Actions performed to measure the diastolic and systolic pressure of the blood |
K | 33.2 | Temperature | Actions performed to measure body temperature |
K | 33.3 | Pulse | Actions performed to measure rhythmical beats of the heart |
K | 33.4 | Respiration | Actions performed to measure the function of breathing |
L | 35.0 | Oxygen Therapy Care | Actions performed to support the administration of oxygen treatment |
L | 36.0 | Pulmonary Care | Actions performed to support pulmonary hygiene |
L | 36.1 | Breathing Exercises | Actions performed to provide therapy on respiratory or lung exertion |
L | 36.2 | Chest Physiotherapy | Exercises to provide postural drainage of lungs |
L | 36.3 | Inhalation Therapy | Actions performed to support breathing treatments |
L | 36.4 | Ventilator Care | Actions performed to control and monitor the use of a ventilator |
L | 37.0 | Tracheostomy Care | Actions performed to support a tracheostomy |
M | 38.0 | Communication Care | Actions performed to exchange verbal/nonverbal and/or translation of information |
M | 39.0 | Psychosocial Care | Study of psychological and social factors |
M | 39.1 | Home Situation Analysis | Analysis of living environment |
M | 39.2 | Interpersonal Dynamics Analysis | Analysis of the driving forces in a relationship between people |
M | 39.3 | Family Process Analysis | Actions performed to support the change and/or modification of a related group |
M | 39.4 | Sexual Behavior Analysis | Actions performed to support the change and/or modification of a person's sexual response |
M | 39.5 | Social Network Analysis | Actions performed to improve the quantity or quality of personal relationships |
N | 40.0 | Substance Abuse Control | Actions performed to control situations to avoid, detect, or minimize harm |
N | 40.1 | Tobacco Abuse Control | Actions performed to avoid, minimize, or control the use of tobacco products |
N | 40.2 | Alcohol Abuse Control | Actions performed to avoid, minimize, or control the use of distilled liquors |
N | 40.3 | Drug Abuse Control | Actions performed to avoid, minimize, or control the use of any habit forming medication |
N | 41.0 | Emergency Care | Actions performed to support a sudden or unexpected occurrence |
N | 42.0 | Safety Precautions | Actions performed to advance measures to avoid injury, danger, or harm |
N | 42.1 | Environmental Safety | Precautions recommended to prevent or reduce environmental injury |
N | 42.2 | Equipment Safety | Precautions recommended to prevent or reduce equipment injury |
N | 42.3 | Individual Safety | Precautions to reduce individual injury |
O | 43.0 | Personal Care | Actions performed to care for oneself |
O | 43.1 | Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) | Personal activities to maintain oneself |
O | 43.2 | Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) | Complex activities performed to support basic life skills |
P | 45.0 | Mental Health Care | Actions taken to promote emotional well-being |
P | 45.1 | Mental Health History | Actions performed to obtain information about past and present emotional well-being |
P | 45.2 | Mental Health Promotion | Actions performed to encourage or further emotional well-being |
P | 45.3 | Mental Health Screening | Actions performed to systematically examine the emotional well-being |
P | 45.4 | Mental Health Treatment | Actions performed to support protocols used to treat emotional problems |
Q | 47.0 | Pain Control | Actions performed to support responses to injury or damage |
Q | 47.1 | Acute Pain Control | Actions performed to control physical suffering, hurting, or distress |
Q | 47.2 | Chronic Pain Control | Actions performed to control physical suffering, hurting, or distress that continues longer than expected |
Q | 48.0 | Comfort Care | Actions performed to enhance or improve well-being |
Q | 49.0 | Ear Care | Actions performed to support ear problems |
Q | 49.1 | Hearing Aid Care | Actions performed to control the use of a hearing aid |
Q | 49.2 | Wax Removal | Actions performed to remove cerumen from ear |
Q | 50.0 | Eye Care | Actions performed to support eye problems |
Q | 50.1 | Cataract Care | Actions performed to control cataract conditions |
Q | 50.2 | Vision Care | Actions performed to control vision problems |
R | 51.0 | Pressure Ulcer Care | Actions performed to prevent, detect, and treat skin integrity breakdown caused by pressure |
R | 51.1 | Pressure Ulcer Stage 1 Care | Actions performed to prevent Stage 1 skin breakdown |
R | 51.2 | Pressure Ulcer Stage 2 Care | Actions performed to prevent Stage 2 skin breakdown |
R | 51.3 | Pressure Ulcer Stage 3 Care | Actions performed to prevent Stage 3 skin breakdown |
R | 51.4 | Pressure Ulcer Stage 4 Care | Actions performed to prevent Stage 4 skin breakdown |
R | 53.0 | Mouth Care | Actions performed to support oral cavity problems |
R | 53.1 | Denture Care | Actions performed to control the use of artificial teeth |
R | 54.0 | Skin Care | Actions performed to control the integument/skin |
R | 54.1 | Skin Breakdown Control | Actions performed to support integument/skin problems |
R | 55.0 | Wound Care | Actions performed to support open skin areas |
R | 55.1 | Drainage Tube Care | Actions performed to support wound drainage from body tubes |
R | 55.2 | Dressing Change | Actions performed to remove and replace new bandage(s) to a wound |
R | 55.3 | Incision Care | Actions performed to support a surgical wound |
S | 56.0 | Foot Care | Actions performed to support foot problems |
S | 57.0 | Perineal Care | Actions performed to support perineal problems |
T | 58.0 | Bladder Care | Actions performed to control urinary drainage problems |
T | 58.1 | Bladder Instillation | Actions performed to pour liquid into a catheter |
T | 58.2 | Bladder Training | Actions performed to provide instruction on the care of urinary drainage problems |
T | 59.0 | Dialysis Care | Actions performed to support the removal of waste products from the body |
T | 59.1 | Hemodialysis Care | Actions performed to support the mechanical removal of waste products from the blood |
T | 59.2 | Peritoneal Dialysis Care | Actions performed to support the osmotic removal of waste products from the blood |
T | 60.0 | Urinary Catheter Care | Actions performed to control the use of a urinary catheter |
T | 60.1 | Urinary Catheter Insertion | Actions performed to place a urinary catheter in bladder |
T | 60.2 | Urinary Catheter Irrigation | Actions performed to flush out a urinary catheter |
A | 61.0 | Bedbound Care | Actions performed to support an individual confined to bed |
A | 61.1 | Positioning Therapy | Process to support changes in body position |
B | 62.0 | Gastric Care | Actions performed to control changes in the stomach or intestines |
B | 62.1 | Nausea Care | Actions performed to control the distaste for food and desire to vomit |
D | 63.0 | Wandering Control | Actions performed to control abnormal movability |
D | 64.0 | Memory Loss Care | Actions performed to control a person's inability to recall ideas and/or events |
I | 65.0 | Immunologic Care | Actions performed to protect against a particular disease |
J | 66.0 | Breastfeeding Support | Actions performed to support nourishment of an infant at the breast |
J | 67.0 | Weight Control | Actions performed to control obesity or debilitation |
N | 68.0 | Violence Control | Actions performed to control behaviors which may cause harm to oneself or others |
S | 69.0 | Edema Control | Actions performed to control excess fluid in tissue |
S | 70.0 | Circulatory Care | Actions performed to support the circulation of the blood (blood vessels) |
T | 72.0 | Urinary Incontinence Care | Actions performed to control the inability to retain and/or involuntary retain urine |
T | 73.0 | Renal Care | Actions performed to control problems pertaining to the kidney |
U | 74.0 | Reproductive Care | Actions performed to support the production of an offspring/child |
U | 74.1 | Fertility Care | Actions performed to increase conception of an offspring/child. |
U | 74.2 | Infertility Care | Actions performed to promote conception of the infertile client of an offspring/child |
U | 74.3 | Contraception Care | Actions performed to prevent conception of an offspring/child |
U | 75.0 | Perinatal Care | Actions performed to support the period before, during, and immediately after the creation of an offspring/child |
U | 75.1 | Pregnancy Care | Actions performed to support the gestation period of the formation of an offspring / child (being with child) |
U | 75.2 | Labor Care | Actions performed to support the bringing of an offspring/child |
U | 75.3 | Delivery Care | Actions performed to support the expulsion of an offspring / child at birth |
U | 75.4 | Postpartum Care | Actions performed to support the time period immediately after delivery of an offspring / child |
U | 76.0 | Growth & Development Care | Actions performed to support age specific normal growth standards and/or developmental skills |
A | 77.0 | Diversional Care | Actions performed to support interest in leisure activities or play |
D | 78.0 | Neurological System Care | Actions performed to control problems of the neurological system |
F | 79.0 | Hemodynamic Care | Actions performed to support the movement of solutions through the blood |
F | 79.1 | Intravenous Care | Actions performed to support the use of infusion equipment |
F | 79.2 | Venous Catheter Care | Actions performed to support the use of venous infusion site |
F | 79.3 | Arterial Catheter Care | Actions performed to support the use of arterial infusion site |
N | 80.0 | Perioperative Injury Care | Actions performed to support perioperative care requirements |
R | 81.0 | Burn Care | Actions performed to support burned areas of the body |
S | 82.0 | Vascular System Care | Actions performed to control problems of the vascular system |
T | 83.0 | Bladder Ostomy Care | Actions performed to maintain the artificial opening to remove urine |
T | 83.1 | Bladder Ostomy Irrigation | Actions performed to flush or wash out the artificial opening to remove urine |